Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Top Steam Skins of All Time

Nier Automata

If you go to squallala1337's Deviant Art page via the link above, you will find this aspect of Nier Automata quite attractive. Scroll down this page a bit, and you'll see the link to download it so you can have a great 2B every time you open Steam. Which is good.

Linkin Park

If you are a music fanatic and have a soft spot for loud music, and since there doesn't seem to be a Slayer mask available, then you can make Linkin park light up your client. It looks pretty bad with the group cut out in red on a black background, and no matter where you go, Chester and the boys will follow you. Read the best steam skins for the complete article.

Naruto Ultimate Bijuu

Another creation from the good people at GameBanana, Naruto Ultimate Bijuu, should be a must-have tool for fans of the show and for those who like anime in general. With the main man looking at yourself, it might get a bit baffling after a while, but take comfort in knowing that Naruto is watching over your Steam account and will put a world of pain to anyone who tries to hurt him. Probably.


It may not be as pretty as the other three we've already seen in this guide, but the Metro look has to do with functionality. The simple black and white motif create a crisp, clear design, and since it's one of the most popular masks of all time within the Steam community, you know that if you're looking for substance over style, then Metro is the way to go.


I'm a fan of My Little Pony, and I'm not a Bronie, * shudder *, but I can appreciate the hard work and effort, and that's what CynicalTechlord has put into this. If you click on the link and it appears on your Deviant Art page, they even explain how to install it, which could have saved me a lot of time at the beginning of this guide if you knew.

Fall out

If you are a fan of the Bethesda epic series, although it is somewhat flawed, then I can recommend this mask for your account. However, it looks like if you click on the link within the link you will find an updated version of it instead of the one in the photo below, but as it looks even better I doubt many of you will complain too.

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