Thursday, November 1, 2018

Fortnite Battle Pass Challenges - Season 6 Week 5

Most of the challenges are pretty straightforward, but a few require further information to figure out what you have to do. That's where this guide comes in to play, as we've cracked the trickier challenges and done the leg work to solve them so you don't have you. For Week 5 this involves recording a speed of 27 or more on five different Radar Signs, and jumping through five flaming hoops with a Shopping Cart or ATK. Read on, and you'll be racking up those extra Battle Stars in no time.

Read complete article : Fortnite Battle Pass Challenges guide: How to complete the weekly ...

here are a total of seven Fortnite Radar Signs located around the island, which register your speed as you whizz past them. You need to record a speed of 27 or more on five different signs, which would be most easily done with one of the Fortnite Quadcrashers due to its rocket boost. You can find the Radar Signs at the following locations:

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